Call for papers: Exploring Karst Biodiversity: Ecological, Evolutionary, and Conservation Perspectives
Submitted by editor on 25 January 2024.![](
The special issue aims to explore the rich and unique plant and fungal biodiversity of Karst regions, highlighting these complex ecosystems from ecological, evolutionary, and conservation perspectives. Karst landscapes, characterized by limestone formations, caves, and sinkholes, present a diverse environment that hosts a unique array of species and microhabitats, often with small populations geographically isolated in highly distinctive microhabitats and subjected to diversifying selection pressures. The focus of this special issue bridges taxonomy, ecology, biogeography and conservation, but extends beyond traditional taxonomic descriptions of novel taxa, emphasizing the broader context of the ecology and evolution of plants (including bryophytes and algae) and fungi within Karst environments.
Our interest lies in studies that explore the intricate relationships between species, their evolution, history, and the ecological factors that shape biodiversity in Karst habitats as well as determine its future. We also seek also contributions that investigate the challenges posed by threats to biodiversity, changes in ecological conditions, and potential impacts from human activities such as mining and tourism.
While taxonomic descriptions are welcomed, the special issue advocates placing them within a wider ecological and evolutionary framework. We aspire to assemble a collection of articles that not only contribute to our understanding of Karst biodiversity but also offer insights into effective conservation strategies for these unique and fragile ecosystems. By maintaining a broad scope, we aim to attract diverse contributions that collectively enhance our knowledge and highlight similarities and differences of Karst regions around the world as well as contribute to global biodiversity conservation.
Abstract submission deadline: June 30, 2024 to njb [at] oikosoffice [dot] lu [dot] se
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Torbjörn Tyler, Lund University
Guest Editors:
Prof. Meng Li, Nanjing Forestry University
Dr. Peter Boyce, University of Florence