CALL FOR PAPERS: Plant performance and diversity in roadside and railway habitats
Submitted by editor on 30 May 2023.
In the face of landscape changes, in particular the deterioration of old agricultural landscapes, infrastructure habitats have become increasingly important for a lot of plant and insect species. In many ways, such habitats may represent old agricultural habitats, but they also represent novel habitats. From a conservation point of view, habitats related to transport infrastructure are important, and for some plants species in different parts of the world, they even constitute a last refuge. However, infrastructure habitats also come with challenges, including pollution, invasive species, dispersal, impacts on plant-pollinator interactions, and management.
Nordic Journal of Botany launches a new special issue in “Plant performance and diversity in roadside and railway habitats”. We welcome contributions investigating the effects of transport infrastructure on any organisational level, from plant individuals to plant communities. Of particular interest are studies dealing with plant performance, plant-environment interactions, plant dispersal and legacy effects of the infrastructure on the vegetation. Studies on management regimes in roadside and railway habitats should have a strong focus on ecology and biodiversity effects.
Submit your abstract by 1st December to njb [at] oikosoffice [dot] lu [dot] se
Full paper deadline: TBA
Editor-in-Chief: Sara Cousins (Stockholm University)
Guest editors: Svenja Kroeger (NIBIO), Tommy Lennartsson (SLU)