New Subject Editor in African Plant Taxonomy!
Submitted by editor on 15 June 2023.
NJB welcomes Prof. Marie Claire Veranso-Libalah as a new member of the editorial team. Marie Claire will be handling manuscripts in the area of African plant taxonomy. Below you can find a description of her background.
My research focuses on the evolution, systematics and biogeography of Afrotropical plants. Most of my research is focused in the large tropical family Melastomataceae. Currently I am working on the phylogenomics of Old World Melastomataceae, part of a larger project in collaboration with Lucas Majure (University of Florida), Fabain Michelangeli (New York Botanical garden), Gudrun Kadereit (LMU, Munich), plus a host of others. The phylogenies generated will be of interest to understand tribal and generic relationships within the family, and study character evolution. I am also interested in how past climatic events in Africa, might have shape the current distribution of Melastomataceae. My other family of interest is Dichapetalaceae, a very diverse lianescent lineage.
I am currently and interim W2 professor at Prinzessin Therese von Bayern-Lehrstuhl für Systematik, Biodiversität & Evolution der Pflanzen, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München.