
Editor in Chief: shorter handling times at NJB

During a period of very rapid growth in 2011–2012 the time needed for us to handle submitted manuscripts also tended to increase, but since then we have implemented new routines and actively worked to reduce our handling times and I am now proud to announce that our average...

Dust seeds, orchids from two different continents and pollination in S-shaped flower heads – read in latest issue of NJB

Pyrolae dust seeds Dust seeds are the smallest seeds in angiosperms weighing just about a few micrograms. These seeds are characteristic of most orchids, but in this study the authors examined seed features, seed production and seed dispersal in another plant group with dust...

Welcome to the new homepage for NJB

Welcome to the new homepage of Nordic Journal of Botany. Here you will find information for authors and reviewers as well as updates on accepted and published articles. In the blog you will find upcoming events and news, and the Editor-in-Chief Torbjörn Tyler will write posts on...


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