Files are sorted according to reference number and year. Please use the search function to find the appendix you are looking for. Wildcards (*) are accepted.
Article number | Year | Description | Documents |
NJB-1321 | 2012 | Hedrén, M., Nordström, S., Pedersen, H. Æ. and Ståhlberg, D. 2012. Systematics and conservation genetics of Dactylorhiza majalis ssp. elatior (Orchidaceae) on Gotland. – Nord. J. Bot. 30: 257-272. | njb1321.pdf |
NJB-00957 | 2016 | Hong, Y., Gao, Q., Luo, Y., Luo, J.-P., Zhang, Y., Yuan, Q. and Yang, Q.-E. 2016. Karyology of Aconitum subgenus Lycoctonum (Ranunculaceae) from China, with report of a new base chromosome number of x = 6 for the genus Aconitum. – Nord. J. Bot. doi: 10.1111/ njb.00957 | njb-00957.pdf |
NJB-02111 | 2019 | Hrafnsdottir, T., Ingimarsson, F., Ingvason, H. R., Stefánsson, S. M., Þorvaldsdóttir, E. G., Malmquist, H. J. and Langangen, A. 2019. New finds of charophytes in Iceland with an update on the distribution of the charophyte flora. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2019: e02111 | njb-02111.pdf |
NJB-918 | 2011 | Hu, S.-J., Hu, H., Yan, N., Huang, J.-L. and Li, S.-Y. 2011. Hybridization and asymmetric introgression between Cypripedium tibeticum and C. yunnanense in Shangrila County, Yunnan Province, China. – Nord. J. Bot. 29: 625-631. | njb918.pdf njb918_appendix_1.xls |
NJB-00505 | 2015 | Huhta, P. and Rautio, P. 2015. Flood meadows in Finland – their development during the past century. – Nord. J. Bot. doi: 10.1111/njb.00505 | njb-00505.pdf |
NJB-01795 | 2018 | Jaafry, S. W. H., Li, D., Chen, H., Niu, X. and Li, B. 2018. Experimental measurement of the growth costs and benefits of clonal integration of Zoysia japonica in habitats with various N/P ratios. – Nordic Journal of Botany doi: 10.1111/njb.01795 | njb-01795.pdf |
NJB-02070 | 2019 | Jaafry, S. W. H., Li, D., Fan, Z., Liu, L., Wei, X., Yang, T., Sun, Y., Zhu, Y., Li, L., Ren, Z. and Kong, R. 2019. Effect of soil nutrient, neighbor identities and root separation types on the intra- and interspecific interaction among the three clonal plant species. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2019: e02070 | njb-02070.pdf |
NJB-02677 | 2020 | Jeon, Y.-C., Jang, T.-S. and Hong, S.-P. 2020. Nutlet morphology in the tribe Elsholtzieae (Lamiaceae). – Nordic Journal of Botany 2020: e02677 | njb-02677.pdf |
NJB-02643 | 2020 | Ji, R., Sheng, Y., Chen, L., Li, X. and Shao, J. 2020. Genetic structure of Polygonatum cyrtonema in Anhui Province from eastern China. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2020: e02643 | njb-02643.pdf |
NJB-1561 | 2013 | Jing, Y, Guo, S.-L. Ma, Y. and Cao, T. 2013. Macromitrium ousiense, a neglected Chinese moss species (Orthotrichaceae, Bryopsida) with new synonym and records. – Nord. J. Bot. 31: 339–343. | njb1561.pdf |
NJB-01941 | 2018 | Jonstrup, A., Andersson, S. and Hedrén, M. 2018. Genetic structure in parasitic Rhinanthus angustifolius is determined by geographical distance rather than habitat – implications for taxonomy and conservation. – Nord. J. Bot. 2018: e01941 | njb-01941.pdf |
NJB-01939 | 2018 | Jüriado, I. and Paal, J. 2018. Epiphytic lichen synusiae and functional trait groups of species in boreo-nemoral deciduous forests are influenced by host tree and environmental factors. – Nordic Journal of Botany 36: e1939, 2018 | njb-01939.pdf |
NJB-02420 | 2019 | Kashin, A. S., Kritskaya, T. A., Parkhomenko, A. S. and Schanzer, I. A. 2019. Genetic polymorphism in Chondrilla (Asteraceae) in the south of European Russia and the nature of Chondrilla juncea L. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2019: e02420 | njb-02420.pdf |
NJB-02132 | 2019 | Khosroshahi, E. E. and Salamaki, Y. 2019. Evolution of trichome types and its systematic significance in the genus Phlomoides (Lamioideae–Lamiaceae). – Nord. J. Bot. 2019: e02132 | njb-02132.pdf |
NJB-01623 | 2017 | Korpelainen, H. and Pietiläinen, M. 2017. Biodiversity of pollen in indoor air samples as revealed by DNA metabarcoding. – Nord. J. Bot. doi: 10.1111/njb.01623 | |
NJB-02209 | 2019 | Kosachev, P., Mayland-Quellhorst, E. and Albach, D. C. 2019. Hybridization among the species of Veronica subg. Pseudolysimachium from the Altai detected by SRAP markers. – Nord. J. Bot. 2019: e02209 | |
NJB-02197 | 2019 | Kosiński, P., Sliwinska, E., Hilpold, A. and Boratyński, A. 2019. DNA ploidy in Salix retusa agg. only partly in line with itsmorphology and taxonomy. - Nordic Journal of Botany 2019: e02197 | njb-02197.pdf |
NJB-02795 | 2020 | Kozhin, M. N. and Sennikov, A. N. 2020. An analysis of travel reports of the Finnish botanical expeditions to Russian Lapland (Murmansk Region and northern Karelia) in 1861 and 1863. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2020: e02795 | njb-02795.pdf |
NJB-02175 | 2019 | Lampinen, J. 2019. Disturbance, microclimate and historical habitat connectivity determine the population performance of the threatened grassland specialist Carex caryophyllea in remnant grasslands. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2019: e02175 | njb-02175.pdf |
NJB-01650 | 2017 | Latini, M., Iberite, M. and Abbate, G. 2017. Woody flora types to describe phytogeographic units: an insight along a west–east transect in central Italy. – Nord. J. Bot. doi: 10.1111/njb.01650 | |