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Article number | Year | Description | Documents |
NJB-01563 | 2018 | Xiao, Q.-Y., Yu, Y., Xie, D.-F., Guo, X.-L. and He, X.- J. 2017. Taxonomic revision of Angelica oncosepala and Heracleum yunnanense. – Nord. J. Bot. doi: 10.1111/ njb.01563 | njb-01563.pdf |
NJB-01721 | 2018 | Philipp, M., Hansen, K., Monrad, D., Adsersen, H., Bruun, H. H. K. and Nordal, I. 2018. Hidden biodiversity in the Arctic – a study of soil seed banks at Disko Island, Qeqertarsuaq, West Greenland. – Nordic Journal of Botany doi: 10.1111/njb.01721 | njb-01721.pdf |
NJB-01808 | 2018 | Doostmohammadi, M., Samadi, N. and Ghorbanalizadeh, A. 2018. A note on phytogeography of the flora of Genu and Homag; two mountains with an Irano–Turanian entity in the Saharo–Sindian regional zone, S. Iran. – Nordic Journal of Botany doi: 10.1111/njb.01808 | njb-01808.pdf |
NJB-01700 | 2018 | Şenel, G., Süngü Şeker, Ş, Akbulut, M. K. and Akçin, Ö. E. 2018. An integrative anatomical, morphological, micromorphological and molecular approach to Turkish epidendroid and orchidoid species (Orchidaceae). – Nordic Journal of Botany doi: 10.1111/njb.01700 | |
NJB-01580 | 2018 | Chen, X., Jin, C., Wang, P., Chen, K., Zhang, X., Li, J., Gong, C. and Wang, A. 2017. Genome-wide analysis and endo-β-mannanase gene families expression profiling of tomato and soybean. – Nordic Journal of Botany doi: 10.1111/njb.01580 | njb-01580.pdf |
NJB-1580 | 2018 | Chen, X., Jin, C., Wang, P., Chen, K., Zhang, X., Li, J., Gong, C. and Wang, A. 2017. Genome-wide analysis and endo-β-mannanase gene families expression profiling of tomato and soybean. – Nordic Journal of Botany doi: 10.1111/njb.001580 | njb-01580.pdf |
NJB-01778 | 2018 | Tendal, K., Larsen, B., Ørgaard, M. and Pedersen, C. 2018. Recurrent hybridization events between Primula vulgaris, P. veris and P. elatior (Primulaceae, Ericales) challenge the species boundaries: Using molecular markers to re-evaluate morphological identifications. - Nordic Journal of Botany 2018: e01778 | njb-01778.pdf |
NJB-01921 | 2018 | Yang, Y., Hu, Y., Ren, T., Sun, J. and Zhao, G. 2018. Remarkably conserved plastid genomes of Quercus group Cerris in China: comparative and phylogenetic analyses. – Nord. J. Bot. 2018: e01921 | |
NJB-01866 | 2018 | Ghimire, B., Jeong, M. J., Suh, G. U., Heo, K. and Lee, C. H. 2018. Seed morphology and seed coat anatomy of Fraxinus, Ligustrum and Syringa (Oleeae: Oleaceae) and its systematic implications. – Nord. J. Bot. 2018: e01866 | |
NJB-01941 | 2018 | Jonstrup, A., Andersson, S. and Hedrén, M. 2018. Genetic structure in parasitic Rhinanthus angustifolius is determined by geographical distance rather than habitat – implications for taxonomy and conservation. – Nord. J. Bot. 2018: e01941 | njb-01941.pdf |
NJB-01686 | 2018 | Marques,·D., Ângulo,·M. B., Nakajima, J. N. and Dematteis, M. 2018. The taxonomic utility of floral microcharacters in Lepidaploa (Vernonieae: Asteraceae). – Nordic Journal of Botany 2018: e01686. | njb-01686.pdf |
NJB-01999 | 2018 | Li, S., Sun, W. and Ma, Y. 2018. Current conservation status and reproductive biology of the giant tree Rhododendron in China. – Nord. J. Bot. 2018: e01999 | njb-01999.pdf |
NJB-02028 | 2018 | Triana, N. H. and Latorre, A. V. P.2018. Phenological patterns in Mediterranean south Iberian serpentine flora. – Nord. J. Bot. 2018: e02028 | njb-02028.pdf |
NJB-02037 | 2018 | Antkowiak, W., Janyszek-Sołtysiak, M. and Klimko, M. 2018. Seed-coat microsculpturing of selected Noccaea Moench and Thlaspi L. species (Brassicaceae: tribes Coluteocarpeae, Thlaspideae) and its taxonomic significance. – Nord. J. Bot. 2018: e02037 | njb-02037.pdf |
NJB-02035 | 2018 | Levin, J., Fay, M. F., Pellicer, J. and Hedr.n, M. 2018. Multiple independent origins of intermediate species between Sorbus aucuparia and S. hybrida (Rosaceae) in the Baltic region. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2018: e02035 | |
NJB-01939 | 2018 | Jüriado, I. and Paal, J. 2018. Epiphytic lichen synusiae and functional trait groups of species in boreo-nemoral deciduous forests are influenced by host tree and environmental factors. – Nordic Journal of Botany 36: e1939, 2018 | njb-01939.pdf |
NJB-02060 | 2018 | Nasrollahi, F., Kazempour-Osaloo, S., Mozaffarian, V. and Zare-Maivan, H. 2018. Molecular phylogeny and divergence times of Onosma (Boraginaceae s.s.) based on nrDNA ITS and plastid rpl32-trnL (UAG) and trnH–psbA sequences. – Nord. J. Bot. 2018: e02060 | njb-2060.pdf |
NJB-02156 | 2018 | Valli, A.-T., Kougioumoutzis, K., Iliadou, E., Panitsa, M. and Trigas, P. 2018. Determinants of alpha and beta vascular plant diversity in Mediterranean island systems: the Ionian islands, Greece. – Nord. J. Bot. 2018: e02156 | njb-02156.pdf |
NJB-02119 | 2018 | Ragavan, P., Dubey, S. K., Panda, M., Deyroy, M., Ravichandran, K., Trivedi, R. K., Jayaraj, R. S. C., Mohan, P. M. and Rana, T. S. 2018. Critical note on the identity and distribution of Sonneratia griffithii Kurz (Lythraceae) in India – a critically endangered mangrove species. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2018: e02119 | njb-02119.pdf |
NJB-02186 | 2018 | Fedosov, V. E., Churakova, E. Yu., Kholod, S. S., Beldiman, L. N., Bakalin, V., Zakharchenko, D. A. and Afonina, O. M. 2018. Bryophytes of Zhelahija Cape, Severny Island, Novaya Zemlya Archipelago. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2018: e02186 | njb-02186.pdf |