Files are sorted according to reference number and year. Please use the search function to find the appendix you are looking for. Wildcards (*) are accepted.
Article number | Year | Description | Documents |
NJB-02643 | 2020 | Ji, R., Sheng, Y., Chen, L., Li, X. and Shao, J. 2020. Genetic structure of Polygonatum cyrtonema in Anhui Province from eastern China. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2020: e02643 | njb-02643.pdf |
NJB-02658 | 2020 | Bog, M., Appenroth, K. J. and Sowjanya Sree, K. 2020. Key to the determination of taxa within the family of Lemnaceae: an update. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2020: e02658 | |
NJB-02677 | 2020 | Jeon, Y.-C., Jang, T.-S. and Hong, S.-P. 2020. Nutlet morphology in the tribe Elsholtzieae (Lamiaceae). – Nordic Journal of Botany 2020: e02677 | njb-02677.pdf |
NJB-02686 | 2020 | Gan, Q. and Li, X. 2020. Impatiens zhuxiensis (Balsaminaceae), a new species of from China. – Nordic Journal of Botany doi: 10.1111/njb.02686 | njb-02686.pdf |
NJB-02751 | 2020 | Eveleens Maarse, F., Salovius-Laurén, S. and Snickars, M. 2020. Long-term changes in the phytobenthos of the southern Åland Islands, northern Baltic Sea. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2020: e02751 | njb-02751.pdf |
NJB-02784 | 2020 | Qin, Y., Xia, C.-Y., Yang, X.-D., Triboun, P., Son, H. T., Wu, X.-X., Pei, Z.-X. and Yu, S.-X. 2020. Impatiens macrantha (Balsaminaceae), a new species from limestone areas in Guangxi, China. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2020: e02784 | njb-02784.pdf |
NJB-02794 | 2020 | Guan, Z.-J., Shen, B.-C., Wei, W., Tang, Z.-X. and Stewart, N. 2020. Loss of C-genome-specific markers during the transgene introgression from Brassica napus to wild B. juncea. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2020: e02794 | njb-02794.pdf |
NJB-02795 | 2020 | Kozhin, M. N. and Sennikov, A. N. 2020. An analysis of travel reports of the Finnish botanical expeditions to Russian Lapland (Murmansk Region and northern Karelia) in 1861 and 1863. – Nordic Journal of Botany 2020: e02795 | njb-02795.pdf |
NJB-1187 | 2011 | Peruzzi, J., Peterson, A., Tison, J.-M., and Harpke, D. 2011. What is Gagea brentae Evers? Insights from typification of the name, karyology and molecular systematics shed new light into phylogeny and taxonomy of Eurasian Gagea villosa-G. fragifera complex (Liliaceae). – Nord. J. Bot. 29: 722-733. | njb1187.pdf |
NJB-1230 | 2013 | Rokaya, M. B., Raskoti, B. B., Timsina, B. and Münzbergová, Z. 2013. An annotated checklist of the orchids of Nepal. – Nord. J. Bot. 31: 511–550. | njb1230.pdf |
NJB-1253 | 2012 | Moen, A., Lyngstad, A. and Øien, D.-I. 2012. Boreal rich fen vegetation formerly used for haymaking. – Nord. J. Bot. 30:226-240 | njb1253.pdf |
NJB-1321 | 2012 | Hedrén, M., Nordström, S., Pedersen, H. Æ. and Ståhlberg, D. 2012. Systematics and conservation genetics of Dactylorhiza majalis ssp. elatior (Orchidaceae) on Gotland. – Nord. J. Bot. 30: 257-272. | njb1321.pdf |
NJB-1382 | 2012 | Rivero-Guerra, A. O. and Laurin, M. 2012. Phylogenetic analysis of the Santolina rosmarinifolia aggregate (Asteraceae: Anthemideae: Santolininae) based on morphological characteristics. – Nord. J. Bot. 30: 533–545. | njb1382.pdf njb_1382_s4.xls |
NJB-1561 | 2013 | Jing, Y, Guo, S.-L. Ma, Y. and Cao, T. 2013. Macromitrium ousiense, a neglected Chinese moss species (Orthotrichaceae, Bryopsida) with new synonym and records. – Nord. J. Bot. 31: 339–343. | njb1561.pdf |
NJB-1574 | 2012 | Steen, R. 2012. Pollination of Platanthera chlorantha (Orchidaceae): new video registration of a hawkmoth (Sphingidae). – Nord. J. Bot. 30: 623-626. | njb1574.pdf |
NJB-1580 | 2018 | Chen, X., Jin, C., Wang, P., Chen, K., Zhang, X., Li, J., Gong, C. and Wang, A. 2017. Genome-wide analysis and endo-β-mannanase gene families expression profiling of tomato and soybean. – Nordic Journal of Botany doi: 10.1111/njb.001580 | njb-01580.pdf |
NJB-1603 | 2013 | Šingliarová, B., Šuvada, R. and Mráz, P. 2013. Allopatric distribution, ecology and conservation status of the Pilosella alpicola group (Asteraceae). – Nord. J. Bot. 31: 122–128. | njb1603.pdf |
NJB-1706 | 2013 | Scalone, R., Kolf, M. and Alback, D. C. 2013. Mating system variation in Veronica (Plantaginaceae): inferences from pollen/ovule ratios and other reproductive traits. – Nord. J. Bot. 31: 372–384. | njb1706.pdf |
NJB-1738 | 2013 | Xie, W.-Y., Zhang, F.-Y., Chen, Z.-H., Li, G.-Y. and Xia, G.-H. 2013. Ostericum atropurpureum sp. nov. (Apiaceae) from Zhejiang, China. – Nord. J. Bot. 31: 414–418. | njb1738.pdf |
NJB-918 | 2011 | Hu, S.-J., Hu, H., Yan, N., Huang, J.-L. and Li, S.-Y. 2011. Hybridization and asymmetric introgression between Cypripedium tibeticum and C. yunnanense in Shangrila County, Yunnan Province, China. – Nord. J. Bot. 29: 625-631. | njb918.pdf njb918_appendix_1.xls |