
Editor-in-Chief calling all plant ecology papers!

In this interview, Editor-in-Chief for Plant Ecology Sara Cousins gives some practical tips on submitting papers to NJB, one of four international journals published by the Nordic Society Oikos . She also sends out a call for global research on all aspects of plant ecology: from...

NSO-journals in COVID-19 times

Dear authors, readers and reviewers, As the world grapples with COVID-19 we write, above all, to wish you and those close to you continued good health. These are uneasy times and we wanted to let you know that the editorial office of the Nordic Society Oikos (NSO) is open (...

Book review on "Danmarks Havalge" 1 and 2

By Stein Fredriksen, University of Oslo, Norway Marine benthic algae, or seaweeds, have received increased attention during the last years, in particular those species that are used for cultivation. Their use can be anything from food items to additives in cosmetics. The recent...


TWO NEW INTERMEDIATE SPECIES BETWEEN SORBUS AUCUPARIA, ROWAN AND S. HYBRIDA ON GOTLAND By Joel Levin, Michael F. Fay, Jaume Pellicer and Mikael Hedrén (authors) During the last ice age, the Baltic Sea basin was covered by the thick Weichselian ice sheet, which finally melted...

The scent of Linnaea

Photo by Gunnar Stenhagen We analysed the scent of Linnea borealis by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of adsorbed headspace samples (NJB-01732). The aim of the study is five-fold. 1. To describe the odour bouquet of L. borealis and compare it from separate...

New insights into the evolution of the fig

The fig family (Moraceae) has fascinated botanists for generations. The family shows an extraordinary diversity in flower form and mode of pollination. We recently examined the reproductive biology of two highly unusual and poorly known relatives of the fig: Dorstenia...

Biodiversity of pollen in indoor air samples can be revealed by DNA metabarcoding

By: Helena Korpelainen (author) Nordic Journal of Botany: doi: 10.1111/njb.01623 Pollen can enter buildings through open windows and doors, and people track pollen indoors on their clothes and hair as well. Pollen of most plant species has some level of allergenicity but some...

Book Review of Ascomycota Syllabus of Plant Families 1/2

Ascomycota 1/2 Syllabus of Plant families (2016) Wolfgang Frey (Editor) Review by Trond Schumacher, University of Oslo While fungi are no longer part of the Plant Kingdom, they were formally included within the classic ‘Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien’ which comprised families of...

Kuepferia species in Himalaya

Two new varieties of Kuepferia pringlei (Gentianaceae) from SikkimHimalaya Nordic Journal of Botany: doi: 10.1111/njb.01201 By: Dr. D. Maity, author The Sikkim area Sikkim is the “Botanists’ Paradise” due to its great floristic diversity as comprehensively highlighted long ago...

Methods for obtaining more complete species lists in surveys of lichen biodiversity

Who finds more, wins By the authors Jan Vondrák & Jiří Malíček One can get unusual thoughts in pubs and wine bars - and a few of them still seem sensible the next day. Sitting with a glass of wine, we were once struck by the thought that floristic inventories might be more...

Book review - The Fungi

Book review (by Subject Editor Klaus Høiland) Watkinson, SC, Boddy, L, Money, NP. (eds.) 2016. The Fungi, Third Edition. Academic Press, Elsevier, Waltham, San Diego, Oxford, London. ISBN 978-0-12-382034-1 As a teacher in mycology, I and my colleagues have always faced the...

Discovery of a new species of wintergreen plant from Sichuan Province, China

By Peter W. Fritsch (author) The species of Gaultheria series Trichophyllae (Ericaceae: Gaultherieae) comprise a clade of high-alpine creeping or mat-forming small-leaved, i.e., less than 1 cm long, shrublets. The flowers of this group are typical for the heath family (Ericaceae...

Effects of wild boar rooting on wildflower populations

By Jörg Brunet (author) Read the freely available article here: Dalby Söderskog, a temperate broadleaf wood in southernmost Sweden, is a classic site of ecological research. Being a forest reserve since 1918, ecological...

Conservation benefits of mowing vs. grazing in semi-natural grasslands

Some projects have a long gestation period. Or rather, it can take considerable time until the right combination of ideas, people and data come together. Our recent contribution in Nordic Journal of Botany is an example of such a project. THE DATA The story started back in the...

NJB invites new contributions

Nordic Journal of Botany now wants to become even broader and we therefore want to invite and encourage new contributors. There are many good arguments for submitting your next manuscript to Nordic Journal of Botany: – Nordic Journal of Botany is owned and run as a non-profit...

Invasive plant species in the Swedish flora: criteria for assessing the invasiveness of individual taxa

In a north European context, identifying invasive species is far from trivial since the vegetation has been influenced by human activities for thousands of years. Still, newly immigrated species may be problematic in a nature conservation context and may harm biodiversity, and...

NJB February issue open to read

Enjoy the content of the February issue of NJB which is available online. Read about new Taraxacum species found in the Nordic countries by Ollgaard and colleagues, a new Campanula from the Western Cape Province, the orchid Oberonia manipurensis and many other interesting new...

Free access to December issue of NJB

Nordic Journal of Botany will be published Online Only starting February 2015. The last printed issue is now freely available online. Over 190 pages cover a range of aspects on plant biodiversity. A 40 page review of the Gymnosperms of Laos includes identification keys and...


The Nordic Society OIKOS sponsors Publication in Dryad sponsored in Nordic Journal of Botany - Four newly sponsored journals from Nordic Society Oikos via @datadryad

NJB most cited papers 2013

The most cited articles of those published in NJB in 2011 and 2012 span a wide flora of topics. They range from an updated index of Neotropical Annonaceae to new Basidiomycota-species and an overview of the use of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Notably, three...


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